Title Hermeneutics in Architectural Pedagogy of History and Theory in the West
Authors Seo, Myengsoo
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.10.31
Page pp.31-39
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Architectural History; Theory; Education; Hermeneutics
Abstract This research analyzes the involvement of hermeneutics in architectural history and theory studies and its pedagogy in the West after the 1950s. The research focuses on representative architectural schools in the West. In particular, this paper examines from the curricula of Joseph Rykwert and Dalibor Vesely at the University of Essex to their former students who played a significant role in expanding the history and theory courses in the late 20th century in the North America such as Alberto Perez-Gomez’s (McGill University) and David Leatherbarrow (University of Pennsylvania). Through their leadership and other related architectural historians' efforts: 1) hermeneutics have been applied in architectural history studies from the critical perspectives of post-modern philosophy; 2) hermeneutics help stimulate discussions of thoughtful architectural design, enabling strong interactions between design theories and the embodied meanings of buildings; 3) these schools have produced and involved many prominent scholars who actively practice and develop the discourse of architectural history and theory from the perspectives of hermeneutics; 4) Finally, the hermeneutic approach in architectural history studies has enlightened many achieved architects’ thoughtful design practice and theories within the emerging context of regional criticism and international cross-cultural architecture.