Title A Study on the Cost Impact of Additional Construction as Rating G-SEED Certification of Medium-Sized Office Buildings in Korea
Authors Lee, Du-Hwan ; Kim, Jae-Moon
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2019.35.10.225
Page pp.225-234
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords G-SEED 2016-2; Additional Cost; Office Building; EPI(Energy Performance Index)
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze the additional construction cost of G-SEED certification for domestic office building reflecting the latest standard(G-SEED 2016-2), and to derive cost impact by category and level. Therefore, it is intended to provide quantitave cost data according to G-SEED certification at the planning phase of the project, estimate the additional construction cost per level according to G-SEED Certification of similar project to be carried out in the future, and encourage G-SEED certification by supporting the decision of the owners. Method: The Process and method of this study are summarized in five steps, 1) Review of previous research, 2) Selection of target project, 3) Scenario setting by level, 4) Additional construction cost for each evaluation category, 5) Extraction of additional construction cost ratio by level. Result: This paper analyzed the cost impact by deriving the additional construction cost of detailed category for level improvement according to the revised G-SEED certification(G-SEED 2016-2). In conclusion, an additional construction cost(ratio) of G-SEED projects to the reference building is drawn as good level; 157,426,241 KWN(+0.43%), very good level; 321,907,802 KWN(+0.88%), excellent level; 999,371,478 KWN(+2.74%), and outstanding level; 1,467,047,718 KWN(+4.02%).