Title A Study on the Characteristics of Heating and Cooling Loads of Standard Chicken Houses in South Korea
Authors Kwon, Young-Cheol
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2019.35.10.235
Page pp.235-243
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Chicken House; Heating Load; Cooling Load; Insulation; Ventilation
Abstract In South Korea, millions of poultry have died due to repeated heat waves every year. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of heating and cooling loads of chicken houses in Korea and to present an effective insulation and ventilation measures to minimize the damage of poultry due to summer heat wave and to save energy in chicken houses in winter. The heating and cooling loads of standard chicken house were calculated. As a result of the calculation of maximum heating load based on the minimum ventilation rate in winter, the outdoor air temperature requiring heating was 6~7℃ to keep the indoor air temperature of chicken houses as 24℃. The peak cooling load of chicken houses was mostly taken by the heat generated by chickens and the heat gain due to ventilation. The heat gain through building envelopes was as small as neglectable. Most of chicken houses is usually cooled by gigantic forced ventilation in summer in Korea. When the chicken houses are cooled by electric cooling machine such as cooler or air conditioner, it is more effective to keep minimum ventilation rate to reduce the maximum cooling load. To lower the temperature of supplying water to cooling pad, it is recommended to use the underground water below 10 meters from the ground if there is abundant underground water.