Title Space Planning of the Health Life Support Center using the Modular Construction Method
Authors Jang, Hwalje ; Kwon, Nahyun ; Ahn, Yonghan ; Ahn, Chiwon
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.11.43
Page pp.43-52
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Modular Construction; Health Life Support Center; Space Planning; Spatial Proximity Analysis; Space Unitification; Space Modularization
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest the use of modular construction method in order to promote the dissemination of the Health Life Support Center of the government, and to suggest the modular unitification and modularization plan for the necessary space data in the initial stage. By analyzing the floor plans of the 50 case projects currently in operation, the 28 required spaces and their spatial proximities are determined. Base on spatial proximities, each space is unitificated into a modular unit and modularized into a modular modules were integrated to modular proposals. As a result of this study, 13 unitificated modular unit floor planes and 3 modularized module floor planes including the staircase unit were proposed. However, future study have needed to study how to apply them to different actual sites and how to reduce cost.