Title Changes in Accessibility of Seoul Metropolitan Area by the Construction of Additional Urban Railway
Authors Lee, Sang-Hyun ; Jin, Yujuan
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2019.35.12.105
Page pp.105-114
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Network; Urban Railway System; Integration; Accessibility; Space Syntax
Abstract The goal of this study is to quantitatively evaluate the effects of the additional construction of urban railroads. To this end, 1) establish accessibility as a measure of quantitative evaluation of construction effects; 2) select the 'Integration' of Space Syntax as a quantifiable indicator of accessibility; 3) represent the Seoul railroads as a network; 4) calculate the 'Integration' form the network before and after the additional construction of the urban railroads. By calculating the change of the 'Integration' of the individual nodes and the change of the sum of the 'Integration' of given zones, the change in accessibility of a particular node and the change in accessibility of a particular region were calculated. After analyzing the change in accessibility in nodes and areas as well, it was confirmed that the additional construction of urban railroads was improving accessibility as a whole of Seoul. It was also identified that there was a degree of difference in the extent of the accessibility change for the different areas. It is particularly noteworthy that changes occur in the accessibility ranking. While certain regions were improving relative rankings, others fell in rank. With this finding, it could be argued that active consideration of the areas in which the relative decline occurs is needed when the planned urban railroad is being built.