Title A Study on Improvement of Crime Prevention Environment Design in Gyeongui Line Forest Park
Authors Kim, Yeon-Kyeong ; Yoo, Daun
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2020.36.1.113
Page pp.113-124
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Urban Linear Parks; Crime Prevention; Environmental Design; CPTED
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest an improvement for the CPTED(Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) guidelines for the urban linear park. We analysed the Changjeon-dong section of Gyeongui Line Forest Park into 12 sub-areas and evaluated CPTED design applied on the park based on analysis framework derived from 15 precedent studies by conducting on-site observations. Both surveys and in-depth interviews on users of the park were conducted and the results of analysis on the evaluation from users and the on-site observation were compared. We found that the lighting condition and the height of wall and trees at the park boundaries are very important to insure natural surveillance since the adjacent areas are easy to be hidden from passers-by and subject to invasion and threat of crime while protecting the privacy of residents on the boundary. There should be improvement on management facilities and crime prevention facilities for more safe and convenient use of the linear park and the adjacent commercial use during nighttime also need to be managed for conflicts between various type of users.