Title Case Study: Record Management & Maintenance System Implementation with Architectural Drawings on GIS Platform
Authors Chong, K. Chul ; Sho, Kwang-Ho
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2020.36.1.163
Page pp.163-172
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords "Record Maintenance & Management System; RMMS; GIS; Enterprise; Geodatabase; Architectural drawings; Electronic Architectural administration Information System; EAIS"
Abstract This study is a case study for in-house developed Record Maintenance and Management (RMMS) which is a digital data storage/retrieval system in a GIS-enabled solution. RMMS is designed for reorganizing submitted architectural drawings associated with scanned drawings files & geodatabase, managing metadata/table and geometric features in ArcSDE/Enterprise geodatabase format. The birth of the RMMS was borne out of a necessity for a modernized approach in digital file basis to provide improved customer services for various architectural drawings and associated with geo-spatial and its attribute information. Through a case study for building permit & review practice implemented on an internet-based Electronic Architectural administration Information System (EAIS) at the local governments in Korea, this study is able to derive differences between GIS-enabled RMMS system implemented in the Richmond City and internet-based EAIS system implemented in the local government in Korea. In an effort to be the most effective, it presents meaningful ways of maximizing efficiency in record maintenance & management system derived from the case studies that looked into in ways of a method in RMMS' operation, implementation on GIS platform, mutual interface among various programs with various digital files and finally technical supports and system development /upgrade.