Title A Study on Comparison of GDR and BDR Urban Policy in Unification Process and Change of Urban Policy after German Unification
Authors Oh, Seok-Kyu ; Cho, Sung-Yong
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2020.36.2.33
Page pp.33-42
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Urban Regeneration; Urban Policy; German uniform; Stadtebauforderung; DDR
Abstract On October 3, 1990, Germany achieved peaceful reunification by integrating East Germany into West Germany. Since reunification, the region of East Germany had to have a new value standard in extreme social changes such as legal, political, administrative and spatial amid rapid systemic changes. The purpose of this study is to characterize urban policy related to urban change in DDR in the past 30 years after German unification. In particular, this study examined the change of construction law and Stadtebauforderung Program as urban policy. The characteristics of Stadtebauforderung programs and urban regeneration are in context with their contents. The characteristics of Stadtebauforderung program support program are ultimately aimed at resolving imbalances among cities, improving the quality of life of residents and developing cities with future-oriented sustainability.