Title A Study on the Preserving, Replanting and Recycling of Reconstruction Estates' Existing Trees for Sustainable Conversion
Authors Yoo, Soon Seon
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_PD.2020.36.2.109
Page pp.109-116
ISSN 1226-9093
Keywords Sustainable Conversion; Preserving and Replanting; Recycling of Existing Trees; Greenbank System
Abstract There are many existing trees are to be damaged by reconstruction of large housing estates. The purpose of this study was to find out sustainable conversion methods of Greenbank system by UR Agency. Greenbank system is divided 3 parts as Preserving, Replanting, Recycling of Existing trees. Literature and institutional review and site survey of 5 reconstruction housing estate were the methods for the following findings. The results are follows. Firstly, Because of feasibility of reconstruction, existing trees are preserving at boundary space of reconstruction housing estates. Secondly, existing trees are preserving at inner space for remember of resettlement as symbolic trees. It is conformed by residents participation with UR Agency and city official. Thirdly, Preserving and replanting trees are recorded signboard in the reconstruction housing estates, and preserving of trees are developed as Green workshop by residents. Fourthly, Besides Preserving and Replanting trees, the other trees are recycling as bench, play equipment, planter, etc. And it is remained symbol of reconstruction housing estates. Fifthly, District planning as a institutional, Guidelines as a noninstitutional method are very efficiently for preserving trees. But a part of this study can be adapt reconstruction housing estates in Korea. The results of this study are expected to serve some clue for dealing with the practice of sustainable conversion in housing estates.