Title Economic Analysis of Zero Energy Building in South Korea
Authors Jae-Moon Kim
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK_SC.2020.36.3.147
Page pp.147-157
ISSN 1226-9107
Keywords Zero Energy Building; Cost-Benefit Analysis; Energy Policy; Social Cost
Abstract With the increasing obligation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the building sector, the government has been gradually expanding its obligation to zero-energy buildings since 2020. Since the ZEB certification took effect in 2017, 48 preliminary and main certifications have been completed as of March 2019, and most of them are public buildings or even certified, but have earned Grade 5 of ZEB. This means that compared with the number of annual building permits registered in Korea, the figure is insignificant, and that it receives little if not mandatory. Therefore, this study investigated empirical cases of ZEB additional construction cost and conducted cost benefit analysis according to changes in ZEB additional construction cost based on a preliminary feasibility analysis project recently conducted by the KDI. In addition, considering the public buildings, the social costs were considered, and the cost-benefit analysis method was the same as the KDI's preliminary feasibility analysis method. The analysis shows that if the ratio of ZEB additional construction cost is more than 5 percent, it is analyzed that there is no economic feasibility, and considering that the ratio of additional construction cost in the cases of ZEB in Korea is 17 percent to 38 percent, it will not be easy to obtain ZEB certification in terms of cost. Finally, to narrow these differences in cost and economic aspects, the overseas low energy and ZEB incentive examples proposed measures such as the concept of subsidy payment in Illinois and the compensation of social costs to private ZEB.