Title A Study on the spatial characteristics of Le Corbusier in the architecture of Fujimoto Sou
Authors 김종성(Kim, Jong-Sung)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2021.37.1.125
Page pp.125-133
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Fujimoto Sou; Le Corbusier; Dom-ino System; boundary ambiguity; modulor; space overlapping effect
Abstract Architect Sou Fujimoto is receiving global attention for his experimental architectural concept, and his architectural theory embodies actual works with five concepts: architecture as a place, architecture with no form, architecture of parts, and architecture between. Le Corbusier, along with Amdedee Ozenfant in 1918 during the period of purism in France, pursued formality and functionality that excluded unnecessary decorations and exaggeration with the criticism of Cubism, and had a impact on modern and contemporary architecture based on the "Five points of new Architecture." Although the two architects have different generations, regions, and styles, they can find many similarities between the interior and exterior spaces. Although Sou Fujimoto denied Le Corbusier's Dom-ino theory, it can be seen that Le Corbusier's architectural concept was applied a lot in the architectural space of his work. The architectural theories of Fujimoto Sou and Le Corbusier were studied, and the Final Wooden House, N House, NA House, Villa Savoye and Villa Sarabhai were selected and analyzed. In order to identify the similarities and differences that make up the space of the two architects, a conclusion was reached by analyzing the theories of Le Corbusier's architectural concepts such as boundary ambiguity, body-considering modular, space overlapping effect. In conclusion, different from the negation of the Dom-ino theory that Fujimoto claims the theory of boundary ambiguity, body-considering modular, space overlapping effect, etc. was implemented based on the architectural theory of Le Corbusier. These features show that Fujimoto's architecture is closely related to Le Corbusier's architectural theories.