Title A Method for Color Harmony Scheme Code Design based on Analysis of Color Difference and Nuance Area
Authors 최윤영(Choi, Yoon-Young) ; 이현수(Lee, Hyun-Soo)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2021.37.3.105
Page pp.105-112
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Biophilic Color Palette; Color Harmony Scheme Code; Impressionism; NCS Nuance; Color Difference
Abstract In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, people who need healing feel euphoria and stability in a place that is with nature. Nature is colorful in its relationship with light, which changes over time. Since Color does not exist alone, Color Scheme is important. The physical environment of an individual affects the psychological state. However, colors schemes that prioritize the beauty aspects, not the color schemes that focus on psychological stability, are used in architectural spaces. Therefore, considering the natural preferences of humans, there is a need to propose a harmonic color scheme code based on the natural color system(NCS) and Ostwald's color harmony theory in terms of biophilic design based on the life sense of nature. The purpose of this study under this background is to develop a method of extracting a harmonic color scheme code(color harmony scheme) based on the analysis of color differences and nuance areas by utilizing biophilic color palettes. In this study, 25 biophilic color palettes developed in the preceding study of Choi & Lee(2020) were used for the development of method for color harmony scheme. 2270 three-color combination code was constructed and analyzed based on the color difference and nuance area to propose a method of deriving color harmony scheme codes. This is ultimately to plan an architectural environment that helps heal by utilizing colors that deal with the colors of nature.