Title A Business Model for Activating the Small-Scale Public Housing Supply in Urban Area using Off-Site Construction Method
Authors 현호상(Hyun, Hosang) ; 김형근(Kim, Hyung Geun) ; 김진성(Kim, Jin Sung)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2021.37.3.183
Page pp.183-193
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Off-site construction; Business model; Small-scale public housing; Supply method
Abstract Public housing providers are planning to supply using small-scale urban sites. However, the efficiency of the project is expected to decrease due to civil complaints during construction. In the OSC project, most of the construction work are conducted in a factory. Therefore, OSC can improve the efficiency of the project and also minimizes the impact on the environment. However, the supply method requires that the small construction company should have experience and knowledge of the OSC. In this study, the business model based on the integrated implementation of dispersed small-scale public housing construction projects was suggested to assist the small construction companies in accumulating OSC experience and to improve the efficiency of OSC project. Through applying the model, it is expected that the small construction company will be facilitated in accumulating the experience and knowledge of OSC and the small-scale OSC projects will be activated by the improved efficiency.