Title Louis I. Kahn: The Institutional Discourse and Urban Regeneration
Authors 한상우(Han, Sang-Woo) ; 백진(Baek, jin)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2021.37.4.153
Page pp.153-162
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Urban Regeneration; Neighbourhood Regeneration; Neighbourhood Planning; Community; Institution; Life SOC; Civics
Abstract This study analyses two different pamphlets co-authored by Louis I. Kahn and Oscar Storonov in 1943 and 1944. Kahn and Storonov interestingly suggest to the layman each strategy of urban regeneration through the process of neighbourhood planning rather than just slum clearance, such as establishing governance and neighbourhood institutions for an old neighbourhood located within the city centre. Several findings from the analysis are as follows. First, the neighbourhood and institution must have the local residents’ concern and participation to achieve sustainability. Above all, governance is necessary to build a transparent communication process between subjects. Second, a group of experts? architects, city planners, engineers, etc.? should not neglect their role and duty of grounding the foundation for the renewal and renovation of the institution. The institution, built without any consideration, was inevitably disregarded by society. Finally, to achieve sustainable urban resilience, a virtuous cycle of education needs to be established. Planning a neighbourhood and city is for the future generation; therefore, children and adolescents need to prepare and be educated in the various roles and responsibilities that urban life imposes by implementing ‘civics’ in the curriculum.