Title A Study on the Problem of Courtyard Roof Structure of Ikseon-dong Commercial Hanok and the Future Direction of the Related Guideline of District Unit Plan
Authors 윤현철(Youn, Hyun-Chul) ; 김은비(Kim, Eun-Bee) ; 류성룡(Ryoo, Seong-Lyong)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2021.37.4.183
Page pp.183-192
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Ikseon-dong; Commercial Hanok; Contemporary Urban Hanok; Courtyard Roof Structure; Conservation and Management; District Unit Plan
Abstract Ikseon-dong, located in Jongno-gu, Seoul, has a small Hanok village in the city, which has been developed as a high density Hanok area since the 1920s and 30s, and still retains its traditional architectural and urban organization. In recent years, various commercial programs have been merged with the Hanoks, and the area has become a tourist attraction in the city. However, the commercial Hanoks of the village, which has been rapidly gaining attention in recent years and remodeled by economic logic, cannot be considered as a systematic process in terms of conservation and management of Hanok. In order to managing it, Ikseon-dong District Unit Plan has been designated in 2018. And one of the big issues of Hanok management in this area is the roof structure that covers the Madang, courtyard of Hanok. The purpose of this study is to derive the contents to be considered in future District Unit Plan, especially related with the courtyard roof structure of Ikseon-dong commercial Hanok, by analyzing the status of those and examining their practical problems. The courtyard roof structure of Ikseon-dong is illegally installed due to the conditions of its birth, and it hurts the landscape of the region. Therefore, the paper propose a direction for improvement of the regulations and recommendations of district unit plans for the desirable landscape improvement of the hanok in Ikseon-dong in the future.