Title The Education Program of the Village Documenting Group for Residents' Participatory Recordings Project
Authors 유해연(Yoo, Hae-Yeon) ; 양지원(Yang, Ji-Won)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2021.37.7.97
Page pp.97-106
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Urban Regeneration; Village Documenting Group; Recording; Education Program; Resident Participation
Abstract The purpose is to reveal the current status and limitations of the village documenting group currently operating in urban regeneration areas, propose a program to educate the village documenting group through examples, and provide directions for future development. Therefore, Geumha village was studied as a test-bed site for organizing educational programs for village documenting and documenting the process. The procedure for this study is as follows. First, this study analyzed the formation, status, and limitations of the village documenting group. Secondly, we studied the meaning and value of the village documenting of Doksan-dong Geumha village, a research place. Third, the characteristics, problems, and limitations of each curriculum of the Geumha village documenting group were analyzed. Fourth, it revealed the implications of the Geumha village documenting education program. Finally, the direction of training and activities of the village documenting group was proposed.