Title Risk of Anchor Failure Caused by Explosive Spalling of Normal Strength Concrete during Construction with Large-Scale Fire Test
Authors 박민재(Park, Min-Jae) ; 민정기(Min, Jeong-Ki)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2021.37.9.179
Page pp.179-365
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Expolsive Spalling; NSC; Large-Scale Fire Test; Anchor Capacity; Section Damage
Abstract Explosive spalling is one of the significant considerations of concrete structures, despite the great fire resistance performance of the concrete. In general, explosive spalling of HSC (Hign Strength Concrete) was variously investigated due to the higher possibility of spalling rather than its of NSC (Normal Strength Concrete). However, in a specific condition such as higher than 4% w/c, explosive spalling of NSC can be occurred and concrete structures with NSC should be considered to preventing them. Due to several cases for spalling of NSC, the importance of investigating them was consolidated. In this study, the spalling of NSC under construction conditions was surveyed by large-scale fire tests, and the damage of concrete structures such as section loss was investigated. Due to violent spalling of NSC at early stages after heating, the cover of concrete was removed, and most of the reinforcements were exposed. These damages weakened the structural performance of concrete structures, and the temperatures of reinforcements dramatically rose. In other words, these damages can make the structures collapse. Also, connections such as anchors and splice sleeves can be failed due to section loss. For this reason, the capacities of the anchors in this study with intact section and damaged sections were investigated according to Korea Design Standard. The reduction ratios for capacities of the anchors under tension and shear were obtained.