Title An Analysis of Work Satisfaction for Female Construction Engineers and Its Improvement Measures
Authors 신원상(Shin, Won-Sang) ; 오치돈(Oh, Chi-Don) ; 손창백(Son, Chang-Baek)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2021.37.10.253
Page pp.253-261
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Female Construction Engineers; Employment Satisfaction; Job Satisfaction; Improvement Measures
Abstract The purpose of this study was to establish measures to improve the efficiency of female construction engineers in the construction industry and improve the satisfaction of workers to solve the current manpower supply and demand problems in the industry. The conclusions from this study are as follows. 1) Items that can efficiently measure female construction engineers' work satisfaction were reorganized into three large categories, 18 large categories, and 58 small categories. 2) The management showed a moderate level of satisfaction with female construction engineers, but most female construction engineers were not satisfied with their jobs. 3) In this study, policy support measures for task environment, organizational environment, and personal environment were presented for labor dissatisfaction matters that need improvement first. However, it has limitations of failing to perform detailed analysis according to various variables such as business type, rank, gender and size. Therefore, further studies will be conducted to complement the above mentioned content.