Title |
A Comparative Analysis of Residential Environment of Rental and Sales Household Units within Social-mix Apartment Complexes |
Authors |
오한규(Oh, Hangyu) ; 황세원(Hwang, Soe Won) |
https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2022.38.3.13 |
Keywords |
Social Mix; Apartment Complex; Rental and Sales Household; Residential Environment |
Abstract |
Social mix has been adopted into residential developments, especially designating certain duty rates to construct rental units into an apartment
complex by regulation. However, substantial consideration toward providing an inclusive or indiscriminative residential environment has been
overlooked. This study aims to examine the influence of intensifying difference in terms of residential environment that is respectively applied
to sales unit and rental units that are supplied in a single complex. Eighteen social-mix apartment complex cases were selected from two
different mixed types of planning technique: (1) parcel-seperated type and (2) parcel-integrated type that accommodates sales and rental units
for a comparative analysis. Multiple physical and morphological factors related to complex site planning were analyzed. The results show that
the residential environment of rental housing was generally worse in the parcel-integrated type complexes than in the parcel-separated type.
Regarding density, the building coverage ratio and the floor area ratio of the rental household area were higher in the parcel-separated type
than in the parcel-integrated. The open space ratio(OSR) and livability space ratio(LSR) of rental household area were higher in the
parcel-separated type complexes than in the parcel-integrated. Looking into by each complex type, the parcel-separated type complexes showed
higher OSR, LSR, and RSR figures in the rental household area than in the sales household area. In parcel-integrated type complexes, all the
indices except the RSR were lower in the rental household area than in the sales household area. While all the complexes of both the types
had lower communal facility ratio(CFR) in the rental household area than in the sales household area, the gap between the two areas were
higher in the parcel-integrated type complexes. Through this study, intensifying social mix is in urgent need of legal support that aims for an
indiscriminative and inclusive physical condition. |