Title Architectural Space Characteristics Based on the Free Planar Composition of Sendai Mediatheque
Authors 김종성(Kim, Jong-Sung)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2022.38.3.155
Page pp.155-165
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Free planar composition; Sendai Mediatheque; Le Corbusier; Toyo Ito
Abstract The free planar composition is one of five principles asserted by Le Corbusier, and the Domino structure allows the composition of the interior space to be free from the structural limitations of a building. To understand the free plan of the architectural space designed by Toyo Ito, it is necessary to analyze his architectural concept pursuits. His outlook is that today's society is constantly changing; these changes along with diversity are resultant phenomena caused by homogenization, and the homogeneity of cities and architecture creates diversity and novelty of space. The architectural space characteristics pertaining to the free layout of Sendai Mediatheque involves a visual sense of space that changes and expands from moment to moment by the element of light rather than a general sense of space. The void penetrated the standardized slab plate up to the roof floor and was irregularly arranged in a free planar composition. This flexible spatial composition of architecture is expressed by the movement of pedestrians, and the composition of the floor, wall, and ceiling; corresponding to these movements forms a free space. The boundary between spaces is weakened when blurring the boundary of internal space by free planar composition. The free plan creates an inhomogeneous space by tubes, which are irregularly arranged structures. Upon analyzing the composition, characteristics, and background of free plans, it provided a new way to understand the architectural space of Sendai Mediatheque, and also confirmed the evolution of the free plan argued by Le Corbusier.