Title A Study on the Historic Building Preservation with a Perspective of Sustainable Green Remodeling
Authors 이승희(Lee, Seung-Hee) ; 김석경(Kim, Suk-Kyung) ; 유선주(You, Seon-Ju)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2022.38.7.33
Page pp.33-44
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords LEED 인증; 역사적 건물; 그린 리모델링; 지속가능성
Abstract This research aims to identify the present status and suggest future considerations for historic building preservation in Korea from a perspective of sustainable green remodeling. To achieve these research goals, historical reconstruction cases certified by LEED, a representative eco-friendly architecture certification program in the United States were examined. Examples of green remodeling with Korean eco-friendly architectural certification, and historically restored structures in the United States concentrating on LEED-certified projects were used. The results from the literature review showed there were relatively few examples of historical architecture preservation and sustainable remodeling in Korea; the United States cases appeared to have active links to the LEED program that served as a guideline for eco-friendly historical architecture restoration. An intensive case study targeting the Christman building, a triple-platinum LEED certified project, showed the integration of green remodeling into historic preservation. A site visit with a checklist was conducted to examine its design features driven by green remodeling of a historic building. During the site visit, a representative from the Christman Company accompanied researchers and explained their entire process for building remodeling and historic preservation; its green remodeling features were identified during the site visit and analyzed through the lens of the LEED criteria of Sustainable Site, Energy and Atmosphere, Material and Resources, and Indoor Environmental Quality. Finally, this study proposed future considerations for green remodeling of historic buildings.