Title |
Architectural Institutes for Improving Architectural Public Concern |
Authors |
백주화(Baek, Ju-Hwa) ; 김세용(Kim, Sei-Yong) |
https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2022.38.7.45 |
Keywords |
건축정책; 건축전문기관; 건축센터; 건축문화; 유럽건축센터; 건축의 공공성 |
Abstract |
The study aims to examine the role and operation of architectural centers in European countries, clarify why architectural policy institutions
are needed and how they should operate to improve the publicness of architecture in Korea. Several architectural centers in Europe with
experience going through various changes were chosen to examine their operation, organizational types, and programs. A comparative analysis
was performed on the characteristics of domestic and European architectural centers. The results were used to propose the applicability and
promotional tasks for similar domestic institutions. To increase public awareness and promote participation, various programs and efficient
systems need to be implemented. Although Korea has mainly focused on research to establish industrial promotion policies related to urban
architecture, there have been insufficient interchange and a lack of public functions. Therefore, establishing a specialized, integrated agency
like European architecture centers that develop various programs while acquiring political support will help to equip Korea to provide quality
architectural and urban designs with technological competitiveness. |