Title The Exhibition Characteristics of the Aquarium
Authors 홍지완(Hong, Ji-Wan)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2022.38.8.23
Page pp.23-30
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Aquarium; Water Tank; Marin organism; Exhibition Flow; Korea; Japan
Abstract This study considers the exhibition characteristics of private aquariums built in South Korea after 2014 with a total area of 10,000 ㎡ or more. The exhibition space of a private aquarium in South Korea was 51.3% of the total area, which is 1.7 times higher than the recommended value of 30.6%. This was higher than the average of 27.80% for Japanese aquariums. The educational part was the basic function of the aquarium at 0.63%, making it lower than the recommended value of 2.1%. The aquarium part was configured to display and independently observe marine animals and large fish focusing on the oceanarium aspect for all aquarium types. Small fish and freshwater fish were exhibited in the flat window water tank, train window water tank, and small water tank. At the end and middle of the exhibition, there was a touch pool for educational and experiential purposes, which is a function of the aquarium that occupies less than 1% of the total area. The movement between the layers is like walking in the sea, building a tunnel aquarium by combining slopes. The flow of the exhibition starts from the top floor and moves up and down.