Title The Effect of Personal Attributes on City Color Preferences
Authors 원야쥔(Wen, Yajun) ; 정재훈(Chung, Jaehoon) ; 히메노유카(Himeno, Yuka)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2022.38.8.181
Page pp.181-189
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords City Color; Color Preference; Personal Attributes; Descriptive Statistical Analysis; Non-linear Canonical Correlation Model
Abstract The color regulations in urban planning have led to the question of how to deal with various individual preferences regarding city color. Busan City was chosen as an example. A questionnaire survey was conducted to apply a descriptive statistical analysis and a non-linear canonical correlation model to study urban color preferences and the influence of personal attributes. It was found that personal attributes including age, occupation, educational background, residential location, and type of residence had a significant impact on urban color preferences, gender has relatively little influence and monthly income had no significant impact. In addition, people with different attributes had different color preferences, mainly hue preferences. The application of the non-linear canonical correlation model provided a new and comprehensive perspective on this study of city color by grouping city color preferences with population characteristics. Moreover, our findings had a reference value to help update and develop city color guidelines; it can also be applied in the fields of architectural design and urban planning.