Title Uncertainty Analysis of Indoor Illuminance and Lighting Control in a Living Room Space of Residential Buildings
Authors 김진홍(Kim, Jin-Hong) ; 조성권(Cho, Seong-Kwon) ; 유영서(Yoo, Young-Seo) ; 박철수(Park, Cheol-Soo)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2022.38.9.217
Page pp.217-224
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Indoor Illuminance; Lighting Control; Occupant Behavior; Residential Building; Uncertainty Analysis
Abstract Providing appropriate illuminance level is important for occupant’s productivity and visual comfort. Many attempts have been made to quantify occupant’s preferred illuminance level as well as occupant’s lighting control behavior. In this study, the authors performed three uncertainty analyses of indoor illuminance level and control behavior in 17 residential households. The degree of such uncertainty were analyzed using Wasserstein Distance, a difference in mean/max illuminance and the probability of lighting control behavior. It was found that indoor illuminance level and lighting control are highly stochastic. This study indicates that a new approach is required to better understand the level of preferred indoor illuminance levels and lighting control in a living room space of residential buildings.