Title An Analysis on Supply and Demand Status of Engineers in Middle·Small Construction Field and Its Improvement Measures
Authors 신원상(Shin, Won-Sang) ; 손창백(Son, Chang-Baek)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2023.39.1.343
Page pp.337-345
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Construction Engineers; Construction Field; Supply and Demand Status; Demand and Supply Imbalance
Abstract This study aims to analyze the supply and demand status of small and medium-sized construction sites to present practical improvement measures that address future issues involving the shortage of construction engineers. The analysis results indicated the overall supply and demand of manpower at these construction sites was unbalanced and construction companies were special, intermediate, and CM or Eng. These companies were identified as having a serious level of express and beginner level status. The main reasons for the imbalance were avoidance of employment in the construction sector, hiring non-regular workers such as field recruitment and PJ along with preferential hiring of experienced workers. To resolve this supply and demand imbalance at small and medium-sized construction sites, this study presented a plan to introduce new technical personnel, maintain existing technical staff, train technical workers, and develop a model for predicting manpower supply.