Title Spatial Composition of Lobby Spaces for the Intermediation of Skyway Networks and Urban Streets
Authors 이민지(Lee, Min Ji) ; 백진(Baek, Jin)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2023.39.2.15
Page pp.15-26
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Skyway; Skyway Network; Urban Planning; Lobby Space
Abstract This study aims to historically discover the underlying causes of today's skyway network issues and analyze the Minneapolis Skyway System, which potentially represents a successful proliferation of a skyway network that addressed problems through the mediation of a skyway and an urban street.?? In history, the skyway was considered an absolute solution to the issue of overpopulation and the tyranny of traffic transportation. However, most skyway projects were based on the denial of existing urban structures and the demand for radical reformation. Due to the historical basis affecting today's skyway network, the spread of this network caused a decline in urban streets. Some city governments decided to demolish the skyway network to restrict development. However, the Minneapolis Skyway System continued to expand and maintained the world's most enormous in scale. This was due to the lobby spaces in the system being used as a space for mediating skyways and urban streets that addressed the issue of urban street depression. In this study, four buildings (IDS Center, Dayton's Department Store, Gaviidae Common, and US Bank Plaza), functioning as a hub in a skyway network traffic was selected for analysis. Although the physical form of the lobby spaces in these cases were all different, they effectively connected the skyway and the urban streets through common factors such as emphasizing vertical circulation, acceptability of various events and assisting the pedestrian environment. Recently, expanding the skyway network in Korea became a possibility. This study was significant in that it presented the direction to pursue the successful advancement of a skyway network.