Title A Study on the Changes in Department Store Characteristics through the Place Identity and Placelessness of Edward Relph
Authors 이준용(Lee, Junyong) ; 이원석(Lee, Wonshok)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2023.39.5.93
Page pp.93-104
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Placelessness; Department Store; Uniformity; Spatial Change1)
Abstract This study analyzes the characteristics of the existing department stores that emphasize uniform appearance and efficient space organization to analyze the changes in newly built department stores within the last three years. Through Edward Relph's armed firing, existing department stores encouraged armed stations through uniform appearance, efficient space organization, placeless attitude, and program changes. However, a new department store forms a unique appearance, reflects an internal space focused on comfort and exhibition, and shows an attitude that represents local values or nature. Furthermore, various programs are generated in the large space through the role of art, cultural experiences, and education. Department stores, which previously had placeless characteristics, have changed and rather play a role in strengthening the identity of a place.