Title |
Architects’ Perception and Required Competencies for the Implementation of Design for Safety (DfS) |
Authors |
서원경(Seo, Wonkyoung) ; 차유나(Cha, Yu-na) ; 강영철(Kang, Youngcheol) |
https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2023.39.6.253 |
Keywords |
Design for Safety; Architect; Serious Accidents Punishment Act; Safety Management; Safety Design; Accident Prevention |
Abstract |
The study aims to investigate the architects' perception of Design for Safety (DfS) following the implementation of the Serious Accident
Punishment Act and analyze the competencies required for them to effectively implement DfS. The construction industry has witnessed an
increasing demand for safety management since the enforcement of this Act. By considering the safety of construction workers right from the
design phase, accidents can be effectively prevented. However, the current knowledge lakcs an understanding of how architects’ perception of
DfS changes after the Act and what specific competencies they need to possess for its successful implementation. To address this gap, this
study identifies the necessary competencies through the DfS work manual provided by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. It
surveys architects to gauge their perception of these competencies and assesses the perceived difficulty level associated with each one. The
findings of this study will contribute to the development of strategies that enable architects to effectively adopt DfS and fulfill the
competencies required its implementation. |