Title |
An Analysis on the Current State of Design Value Engineering and Improvement Methods |
Authors |
박선희(Park, Sun-Hee) ; 김원필(Kim, Won-Pil) |
https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2023.39.7.99 |
Keywords |
Design VE; Process; Utilization plan; Task performance stage; Application case; Using of techniques |
Abstract |
VE(Value Engineering) is a systematic process in which members of team, an expert group, reviews the feasibility of design and field
application by function and alternatives through cooperation in various fields of expertise. This study is aimed at analyzing how far the
current design VE has developed theoretically and practically. Accordingly, the current status was analyzed based on the application of the
design, construction VE document research methodology and researcher's activities of design VE reviewed work from 2015 to the present.
Based on the design VE common elements, the entire process was divided into 6 components: process, utilization plan, task performance
stage, application case, technique use, and others. The study found that the absence of considerate awareness of design VE members, data
management and systematization were required for review, implementation of design VE review tasks, overall management operation with
guaranteed expertise from step-by-step tasks to follow-up management. Construction projects suggested such improvement measures as the
expansion of design VE review, implementation period, payment of fees, and supplementation of compulsory approval of proposals in building
construction stage. This will be used as a guideline for improving the process of activating design VE and work performance manual. |