Title |
A Study on the Direction of Design Improvement in Complex Facilities of New Town Elementary School |
Authors |
문선민(Mun, Sun-Min) ; 이선영(Rieh, Sun-Young) |
https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2023.39.7.133 |
Keywords |
New Town; Elementary School; Complex facilities of the school; Community Facility. |
Abstract |
The plan to develop a school into community life and as a cultural center was well received in urban areas where there are limited sites
and facilities. In Korea, community facilities in schools were introduced through the complex facilities of a school project in the early 2000s;
in particular, the new town complex elementary school drew attention as a new type of future school. However, many issues surfaced since
the opening of these schools; POE can provide improvement direction to prevent the same problems from being repeated. Three elementary
schools were examined and the frames of analysis such as expansibility, convertibility, versatility, accessibility, adaptability, safety, and
security were derived as critical spatial characteristics necessary for planning community facilities through a literature survey. The results of
POE through site visits, questionnaires, and interviews with users such as students, parents, local residents, and teachers showed that
separation between school buildings and complex facilities should be minimized for active use by the entire community. Additionally,
overlapping spaces should be avoided for efficient use of the space. |