Title Stylobate on Stoneterrace as a Method of Slope Adjustment in Korean Architecture
Authors 주현태(Joo, HyunTae) ; 전봉희(Jeon, BongHee)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2023.39.7.145
Page pp.145-156
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Korean Architecture; Stylobate; Stone terrace; Stylobate on Stone terrace; Adjusting the topography; Exterior space
Abstract In this study, stylobate and stone terrace were categorized in terms of topography adjustment to analyze their time-periodic characteristic and distribution of building use. The purpose of this categorization was to apply the drawn conclusion to the layout composition and comprehend the meaning of its application. To attain this particular purpose, 236 state-designated cultural heritage sites and 78 ruined temple sites were examined. As a result, the phenomenon of integrating stone terrace and stylobate in the mid-Goryeo dynasty was identified. This integrated form was universally used throughout mid-Goryeo regardless of the building use. The usage of the stylobate was different between the central building and the independent building, and the integrated stylobate on the stone terrace was mainly used in the central building. The reason for this seemed to be caused by the stratification composition and the method of placing it on a slope. Subsequently, the form of land composition was further diversified due to functional factors and arrangement order, and thus stylobate on the stone terrace was used as the means of space composition.