Title A Study on the Immanent Meaning and Phenomenological Differences of Kim Swoo-Geun's Spacial Language
Authors 이정훈(Lee, Jeong-Houn) ; 김원필(KIM, Won-Pil)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2023.39.9.137
Page pp.137-148
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Kim Swoo-Geun; Office ‘Space’; Architectural Phenomenology; Korean-oriental Architecture; Space Language
Abstract This study was aimed at discovering the inherent meaning of architectural language for a building, expressed through metaphysical and abstract language, using content analysis and phenomenological method. Specifically, this research focuses on the early architectural works of Kim, Swoo-Geun, particularly the Office 'Space', to understand the spatial interpretation methods of architects during colonial modernization theory and the international modernist style. The forms, characteristics, and types of each space in the Office 'Space' were classified and organized, and a comparative study with Korean, Chinese, and Japanese architecture was conducted to explore the meaning of hidden Korean spatial characteristics. Although this study did not find a correlation between the Office 'Space' and traditional Korean spatial characteristics, it identified the profound architectural language of a Korean architect and the unique Eastern residential styles. Furthermore, it appeared that Kim’s design work was needed to differentiate the value of the space language, and to endow specific meaning to the characteristics of indoor spatial configuration through the phenomenological approach.