Title Examining Heat Wave Vulnerabilities in Residential Building Features
Authors 최승훈(Choi, Seung Hun) ; 함희정(Ham, Hee Jung) ; 이승수(Lee, Sungsu) ; 김호정(Kim, Ho-Jeong)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.1.213
Page pp.213-223
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Heat Wave Disaster; Residential Building; Indoor Thermal Environment; Vulnerability; Insulation
Abstract This study examines residential building characteristics vulnerable to ongoing heat waves in South Korea. Target areas, based on building climate zones, were selected, and temperature data for these areas were collected. The analysis evaluated factors like building type, construction year, and climate zone's impact on indoor temperatures during heat wave alerts between June and August 2022. Findings indicate detached houses or non-apartments and older buildings are more susceptible, with increased vulnerability in hotter climate zones. This study also explores temperature control ability, building orientation, and window size, revealing a correlation between higher-income residents and lower indoor temperatures. Additionally, buildings facing south and east show susceptibility. This research suggests risks of heat-related illnesses extend beyond outdoor environments to indoor settings. Emphasizing region-specific insulation designs for buildings becomes crucial as insulation strategies for winter may intensify heat-related issues during summer heat waves.