Title Analyzing the Relative Importance of Planning Elements in Green Smart Schools With Analytic Hierarchy Process
Authors 안용진(Ahn, Yong-Jin) ; 정해주(Chung, Hai-Ju)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.3.113
Page pp.113-122
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Green Smart School; Innovation of Space; Smart Class; Green School; Multi-use School; AHP Method
Abstract This study aims to identify the planning elements of green smart schools and evaluate their relative importance. Initially, a brainstorming session was held with select professional groups specializing in architectural design and educational administration to establish the hierarchy of planning elements. Subsequently, utilizing the AHP method, the relative importance of these planning elements was analyzed based on expert surveys from school facility design practitioners. The results indicated that green schools (0.331) ranked highest in weight at the primary level, followed by mixed-use schools (0.310), smart class (0.207), and space innovation (0.152). In terms of overall composite weight, green energy (0.092), energy control systems (0.091), lifelong learning spaces (0.086), passive architecture (0.069), support from the local community (0.061), and CPTED of facilities (0.061) emerged as vital considerations. These findings suggest that planning guidelines for green smart schools should prioritize energy-efficient facilities and foster connections between school facilities and local communities.