Title Analyzing the Construction Process of Chukrijeon and Yeonsujeon in Gounsa Temple
Authors 김석현(Kim, Suk-Hyun)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.4.163
Page pp.163-173
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Uiseong Gounsa Temple; Chukrieon; Yeonsujeon; Giroso Youngsugak
Abstract This study delves into the historical records surrounding the construction of the ancestral Eocheopbongangak(御帖奉安閣) at Gounsa Temple in Uiseong during the Joseon Dynasty. The main aim is to gain a deeper understanding of the historical context and the developmental process by which Chukrijeon(祝釐殿) evolved into Yeonsujeon(延壽殿) following Emperor Gojong's accession to the Giroso. Furthermore, the study seeks to illuminate the various influences that contributed to this transformative journey. Gounsa Temple became a part of Hanyang's Giroso in 1737, leading to the construction of Eocheopbongangak and Gisobongangak(耆所奉安閣) during King Yeongjo's reign. Subsequently, Giroso oversaw the construction of Chukrijeon and designated the existing Geukrakjeon(極樂殿) as the Wondang(願堂). To commemorate Emperor Gojong's admission to the Giroso, Gounsa Temple devised a plan to rejuvenate the deteriorating Gisobongangak during the latter years of King Yeongjo's rule. In 1904, Chukrijeon was completed, and at the request of Gounsa Temple, it was renovated into Yeonsujeon. Initially serving as a hall for perpetual prayers for the royal family's eternal continuation, the renovated Yeonsujeon not only inherited Chukrijeon's characteristics but also integrated the role of the existing Gisobongangak.