Title Shear Strength of Shear Keys in Vertical Joints of Precast Concrete (PC) Wall Panels
Authors 윤현도(Yun, Hyun-Do) ; 서수연(Seo, Soo-Yeon) ; 문정호(Moon, Jeong-Ho) ; 오영훈(Oh, Young-Hun) ; 김선우(Kim, Sun-Woo)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.4.213
Page pp.213-220
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Off-site construction (OSC); Shear Key; Precast Concrete (PC); PC Wall Panel; Vertical Joint; Shear Strength
Abstract Off-site construction (OSC), particularly the precast concrete (PC) construction, has been recognized as a promising construction method to resolve the productivity reduction in the construction industry due to increased material costs, reduced and aging workforce. The connections between PC elements are potentially weak locations that control the distribution of the internal forces and the rigidity of the PC buildings. The objective of the study was to investigate the shear strength characteristics of shear keyed joint concrete in the vertical connections between PC wall panels based on the experimental data of 79 specimens without loop reinforcements collected from the literature. The research results demonstrated that lower bounds for the shear strength of joint concrete in vertical connections for PC walls with shear keys and without loop reinforcement can be considered as 0.08√fcu MPA . The shear strength of shear keyed joint concrete increases with increasing √fcu and the area ratio of a shear key to joint. The shear strength of shear keyed joint concrete in the vertical connections for PC wall system has not adequately addressed by design equation in AASHTO because there is significant scatter on the predictions. However, experimental data indicated that the shear strength equations for PC wall vertical joints in current Korean codes suggested by Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK) are conservative. It is also shown that the shear strength equation of interface without reinforcement in MC2010 is conservative for the shear strength prediction of PC wall vertical joint with shear keys and without loop bars.