Title Analyzing the Carbon Sink of Greenhouse Gas in Environmental Impact Assessment for Carbon Reduction in Land Use Changing Development Projects
Authors 윤홍민(Yoon, Hong-min) ; 윤성환(Yoon, Seong-Hwan)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.5.135
Page pp.135-144
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Environmental Impact Assessment; Carbon Sink; Urban Development; Greenhouse Gas Reduction; Replacement Rate
Abstract This study aims to analyze the carbon sink aspect of greenhouse gas items in environmental impact assessment reports for urban development projects and propose improvement measures accordingly. To achieve this goal, a quantitative analysis of the change in greenhouse gas emissions before and after the completion of 63 urban development projects spanning form 2013 to 2023 was conducted, with a focus on the carbon sink. The findings revealed that, in many instances, greenhouse gas storage and absorption via the carbon sink have decreased compared to the pre-implementation phase. Furthermore, issues such as uniform prediction of reduction measures were identified. Therefore, recommendations are provided for urban precise predictions and evaluations of impact in relevant areas during project execution, establishing measures. It is expected that these recommendations will enhance the effectiveness and reliability of environmental impact assessment in future project implementations.