Title Assessing Fire Safety in Electric Vehicle Charging Zones of Apartment Building
Authors 홍지완(Hong, Ji-Wan)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.6.67
Page pp.67-74
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Apartment house; Underground Parking Lot; Battery Fire; Plan for Preventing Disaster; Car Fire; South Korea
Abstract In recent years, basement parking facilities have become increasingly common. This study assesses the incidence of electric vehicle (EV) fires in underground parking structures at residential complexes. It compares findings across different locations, evaluates current fire safety measures, and analyzes response protocols, aiming to propose strategies for enhancing fire safety in EV charging zones. As of 2022, South Korea's EV population stood at 347,395 units, with annual growth. Although EV fires occurred at a lower rate of 1.2 per 10,000 units compared to 1.8 for internal combustion engine vehicles, incidents are rising, reaching 91 in 2022. The increase in EV fires is largely due to vulnerabilities in underground parking lots, such as inadequate charging infrastructure, firefighting equipment, and differing firefighting methods. To address these issues, the National Fire Agency has drafted EV Charging Area Safety Guidelines. These recommend installing EV charging areas near ramps and incorporating firewalls, sprinklers, water-blocking panels, drainage facilities, and surveillance systems to enhance fire safety. However, these guidelines mainly target new constructions, emphasizing above-ground setups and lacking legal enforcement and practical effectiveness. With the mandated installation ratio of EV chargers expected to rise to 10% of total parking spaces in new buildings by 2025, there is a growing need for charger installations in existing residential complexes, necessitating improved fire safety measures. These measures include enhancing charging speed, installing firewalls to prevent fire spread, securing space for storing firefighting water and foam, introducing ventilation systems to reduce off-gassing, and ensuring accessible paths for firefighters and fire vehicle towing in underground parking lots. Additionally, with the increasing weight of EVs due to larger battery capacities, structural safety upgrades and reinforcements in existing parking facilities are necessary.