Title Defining Seoul's 15-minute Neighborhood Boundaries for Evaluating Administrative Community Area Boundaries
Authors 김정우(Kim, Jung Woo) ; 강범준(Kang, Bumjoon)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.6.119
Page pp.119-130
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Community Detection; Network Analysis; Household Travel Survey; 15-Minute City; Walkable Neighborhood Plan
Abstract Seoul, South Korea, has a total of 116 officially determined Community Areas based on administrative boundaries and static demographic data. Residents’ local activity spaces may not follow these administrative boundaries, which often creates difficulties in neighborhood planning and policy development. In this study, we define a 15-minute neighborhood as residents’ collective boundaries delineated by their active transportation using the 2021 Personal Travel Survey data and community detection algorithms. Then, the detected 15-minute neighborhoods are clustered and compared against Seoul Metropolitan Government's official 2030 Community Areas. We evaluate boundary disagreement between the 15-minute neighborhoods and Community Areas using the Jaccard Index. We find that only 15 out of the neighborhood clusters have boundary agreement with the 2030 Community Areas, showing an 87% boundary disagreement rate. This study demonstrates that Seoul’s official Community Areas do not align with residents’ actual local travel patterns, suggesting that local neighborhood or community planning should consider residents' actual living areas.