Title Alvar Aalto’s Architectural Concepts Through Bergson’s Idea of Intuition
Authors 이재영(Lee, Jae-Young)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.6.149
Page pp.149-158
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords duration; intuition; elan vital; image; nature; humanism; synthesis
Abstract The study explores the thoughts and works of Alvar Aalto, a Finnish architect who created architectural aesthetics using natural materials and forms through intuition as a creative method, in the context of Bergson’s theories: elan vital, intuition, and image. Bergson criticizes of modern mechanistic and deterministic ideas, arguing that intuition is more realistic in the flow of time or duration than scientific and analytic thinking. Additionally, in the theory of image as a recognition process through intuition, Bergson explains that recognition of objects is constantly renewed by synthesizing memory images and perceptual images, leading to qualitative leaps. This aligns with Aalto's criticism of modern mechanistic, material, scientific, and analytical thinking. Aalto intuitively integrated natural elements into his works, emphasizing the human and the natural, which cannot be achieved through scientific and analytical methods.