Title Exploring Busan’s Cultural Genes in Urban Architecture through Sementic Network Analysis
Authors 안재철(Ahn, Jae-Cheol)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.6.159
Page pp.159-166
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Sementic Network; Newspaper Article; Cultural Gene
Abstract This study conducted a semantic network analysis on a series of articles titled ‘Oh Busan - the Heritage and Future of Busan’, jointly planned by the Kookje Daily News and Sangji Group, to identify the semantic structure through keyword relationships. The analysis clearly revealed the structure of the text, showing how Busan's history, places, architecture, and culture are interconnected. It also highlighted that Busan's history and architectural heritage create value as the city's cultural genome, with ongoing developments in architecture and culture revolving around this foundation. As a propagation unit of such urban architecture cultural information, I think cultural genes can be understood and empathized with as 'Busan-ness'. However, there may be disagreements about the selection of analysis data and the appropriateness of the sample number, and the reliability of the analysis is limited. In addition, the connection structure is clearly visible, but the interpretation of its meaning also has subjective limitations.