Title Analyzing Urban Seniors’ Daily Activities Inside and Outside Low-rise Residential Areas
Authors 이자윤(Lee, Jayoon) ; 이현우(Lee, Hyunwoo) ; 박소현(Park, Sohyun)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.8.59
Page pp.59-70
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Elderly Daily Activity; Elderly Living Space; Elderly Walking; Socializing; Active Aging
Abstract The growing importance of active lifestyles for seniors, particularly aging baby boomers, underscores the need for age-friendly environments that promote Active Aging through physical exercise and social interaction. However, previous research and age-friendly city planning in Seoul often focus on recreational places within residential neighborhoods, overlooking must activities and locations outside the neighborhood. This study examines the frequency of walking and socializing in daily activity places, distinguishing between must and leisure activities, both within and outside the neighborhood, to identify the characteristics of places crucial for fostering physical exercise and social interaction in diverse settings. Using empirical data from travel logs and a mobile walking app among 54 elderly residents in Mangwon-dong, the findings revealed that walking frequency related to must activities constituted about one-third of total walking frequency, both inside and outside the neighborhoods. Additionally, about one-third of socializing frequency occurred outside the neighborhood, highlighting the significance of must activity places and areas beyond the neighborhood. Markets and stores within the neighborhood were vital places for walking and socializing. Cultural, religious, and neighborhood facilities, as well as open spaces outside the neighborhoods, also facilitated socializing. These findings contribute to future age-friendly planning by reflecting the diverse activity patterns of urban seniors.