Title Contextual Development of Idle Areas in Cheongju, Korea’s Historic 93-97 Namju-Dong Residential Block
Authors 박상아(Park, Sang-Ah) ; 정진주(Jung, Jin-Ju) ; 김태영(Kim, Tai-Young)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.10.93
Page pp.93-100
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Historic Urban Area; Old Residential Area; Idle Area; Context
Abstract This study proposes a development plan that considers the existing contextual environment of idle land in old dwellings located in downtown Cheongju. The plan aims to sustain land use in these dwellings through verification. While designing a building that differs significantly from the old house in terms of function, scale, structure, and material, the intent was to preserve the lifestyle context embedded in the original house. The verification process involved simulations of walking landscapes, external spaces, and thermal environments. The results demonstrated that by reflecting the existing house’s layout relative to the road and direction, it was possible to create three common entries leading to the upper floors. Each floor included a deck yard, and the building core was distributed along a boundary divided into two areas, interconnected by a three-story bridge. Regarding form and space composition, the design addressed the scale of the mid-level structure by incorporating masses with different floor levels, segmenting the shaped mass, and installing roofs that harmonize with the surrounding landscape. Additionally, various deck yards of different sizes and shapes were placed on each upper floor to restore the scale of the previous external spaces, or madang. In terms of thermal environment, the design considered sunlight and ventilation, securing and segmenting spaces to optimize sunlight and airflow. The air pressure difference between the cold air in the central and narrow void spaces and the warm air in the deck yards facilitated ventilation. This design approach, which regenerates the context or contextual environment of the old residential block, can serve as a guideline for the simultaneous preservation and development of the existing urban environment.