Title Changes in Curtain Wall Details of Kimm Jong Soung’s Architecture Amid Industrial and Technological Growth From the 1970s to 1990s
Authors 이수연(Lee, Su-Yeon) ; 최춘웅(Choi, Choon)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2024.40.11.77
Page pp.77-88
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Kimm Jong Soung; Curtain Wall Building; Detail; Mies van der Rohe
Abstract This study examines the evolution of curtain wall details in Kimm Jong Soung's architecture, focusing on high-rise buildings from the 1970s to the 1990s. It emphasizes the profound influence of Mies van der Rohe’s design principles on Kimm’s work, focusing on the similarities between Kimm’s curtain wall details and those of Mies. Initially, Kimm followed Mies’s formal principles, but he later reinterpreted and developed these details to fit Korea’s industrial and architectural context, establishing his own curtain wall design philosophy. The study explores how Kimm overcame the technological and industrial limitations of Korea at the time to apply these design principles. Despite restricted materials and construction technologies, Kimm creatively reinterpreted Mies’s ideas through meticulous attention to curtain wall details. His curtain wall designs go beyond simple facade treatments, serving as visual records of the evolution of Korean architecture. This re-evaluation of Kimm’s approach to curtain walls holds significant meaning in Korean architectural history, as it highlights his achievement in integrating structural and aesthetic elements.