Title Exploring the Impact of Indoor Environment Visibility on Wayfinding in Normal and Emergency Situations
Authors 저우지아이(Chou, Chiayi) ; 조지영(Cho, Ji Young)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2025.41.1.3
Page pp.3-14
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Wayfinding; Visibility; Emergency; Virtual Reality
Abstract Wayfinding plays a critical role in indoor environments, where failure can lead to psychological, economic, and physical challenges. Visibility, defined as the extent to which an environment is observable during wayfinding, enhances navigation and reduces confusion or route loss. While prior research has primarily examined user behaviors during wayfinding, there has been limited exploration of how behavior differs between normal and emergency situations. To address this, a virtual reality experiment was developed to study the impact of visibility on wayfinding performance in a simulated hospital under both normal and emergency conditions. The study analyzed the wayfinding behavior of 30 participants using objective measures such as time taken and number of turns, along with subjective assessments of psychological state. Results revealed that wall transparency significantly affected wayfinding, particularly by reducing the number of turns during emergencies. Additionally, notable differences were observed between wayfinding in normal and emergency scenarios. These findings offer valuable design insights for enhancing visibility in wayfinding and highlight the potential of virtual reality as a tool for wayfinding research.