Title The Role of Bukdopalleung in Reshaping the Early Joseon Dynasty's Royal Tomb System
Authors 홍석주(Hong, Seok-Joo) ; 김버들(Kim, Bue-Dyel)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2025.41.1.131
Page pp.131-142
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Bukdopalleung; Twin Tombs; King Taejong (Yi Bangwon); Posthumous Royal Tomb; Joseon Royal Tombs
Abstract This study examines the characteristics of Bukdo Palleung in the Hamhung region to understand the royal tomb maintenance processes of the early Joseon period. Bukdo Palleung is a royal tomb honoring the parents of Yi Seong-gye, also known as King Taejo, and his ancestors up to the fourth generation. Key findings include: The twin and single tomb system, first implemented at Jeonghyeon Tomb by Kim Saheng, directly influenced the Joseon royal tomb system. Features such as multi-tiered raised mounds and the arrangement of stone elements reflect the Jeonghyeon Tomb system. However, uncovered tombs lacked screen stones and instead featured steles at the entrance. At Bukdo Palleung, twin tombs assigned independent names to both the king and queen, with ritual stone elements notably absent. The construction of royal tombs during the late Goryeo and early Joseon periods was guided by figures like Kim Saheng and Park Jacheong, with King Taejong, also known as Yi Bangwo, playing a leading role in most royal tomb projects. The development of Bukdo Palleung was systematically completed over time, from the reign of King Taejo or Yi Seong-gye to King Sejong. These findings highlight the evolution of royal tomb practices and their significant ties to political and cultural shifts in the early Joseon dynasty.