Title Seismic Response Analysis of Soil-Basement System Due to Kinematic Interaction Effect
Authors 김동관(Kim, Dong-Kwan) ; 박진영(Park, Jin-Young) ; 김호수(Kim, Ho-Soo)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2025.41.1.273
Page pp.273-283
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Kinematic Interaction Effect; Basement; Ratio of Response Spectrum; Effective Site Coefficient
Abstract This study examines the behavior of the soil-basement system under seismic loading, focusing on the kinematic interaction effects using two-dimensional finite element analysis. The analysis evaluates the accuracy of basement response prediction methods outlined in KDS 41 17 00, FEMA P-1050, and ASCE/SEI 7-22 standards. Results indicate that the ratio of response spectrum (RRS) at basement depth closely align with FEMA standard, though significant amplification occurs in the short-period range at surface depth due to the inertial effects of stiff basements. Additionally, the ratios of short-period and long-period site coefficients show a linear relationship with the acceleration and displacement ratios. Long-period effective site coefficients (Fv,eff) accurately predict basement responses, while short-period effective site coefficients (Fa,eff) tend to underestimate responses depending on soil conditions. This discrepancy highlights the influence of basement inertial effects and the need for further refinement. The study confirms the reliability of long-period site coefficients for basement response predictions while identifying areas for improvement in short-period coefficient assessments.