Title Exploring the Architectural Characteristics of Buyoung Houses Planned During 1939 to1942
Authors 이하준(Hajun, Lee) ; 이경아(Kyungah, Lee) ; 김상태(Kim, Sang-Tae)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5659/JAIK.2025.41.2.153
Page pp.153-164
ISSN 2733-6247
Keywords Public Housing; Buyoung House; Yongdan House; Wartime System; Housing Shortage; Standardization
Abstract This study examines the architectural characteristics of the Buyoung house, planned between 1939 and 1942, by comparing it with the Yongdan house and analyzing documents and blueprints from the National Archives. Built under the wartime system, Buyoung houses were constructed with wood, the minimal standard for housing at the time, a trend that carried over to later Yongdan houses. The absence of clear design guidelines for Buyoung houses resulted in diverse room configurations and floor plans. Additionally, the design was biased, with houses for Joseon people being simplified, scaled-down versions of Japanese-style homes, optimized for mass production but disregarding the needs and lifestyles of Joseon residents. This study contributes to understanding the architectural features of Buyoung houses, which have received limited attention in architectural research.