Title A study on the measuring units of Scale of the Tong-do-sa Temples
Authors 송승광 ; 임충신
Page pp.67-76
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The study of the mesuring units of the scale consists of the investigation of the references and the actual measurements. The existing papers on the actural measurement are very limited in numbers, and are liable to ambiguity due to several reasons; The lack of standared in the measurement method, the confusion in handling the variouse construction and post-construction errors, and the oversimplication in the process of the module computation.This paper proposes a new methodology of the study of mesuring units of the scale and includudes its practical application to number of the buildings at the Tong-do-sa Temple.In conclusion, in most cases of the Tong-do-sa Temple, the projected modules concords to the ones used in the original construction era. Therefore, the projected construction era can be givin by the module incases without the construction records.